Top 10 of 2018

Top Ten Movies of 2018

            2018 had its share of gems and duds, but overall it was quite an enjoyable year. Here are the Top Ten Best of Cinema in 2018.

1. Spider-Man: Intro the Spider-Verse - This is the best visual adaptation of a comic book and my personal favorite movie experience of the year.

2. Black Panther – The MCU has only gotten progressively better in short decade history, but this has been – so far – its crowning achievement.

3. The Dating Project – It’s often said that the US is experiencing a “vocation” crisis. The Dating Project demonstrates how this this crisis is not just in the priesthood but married life as well. Four single Catholic adults attempt to navigate the disorienting world of dating in a world that has forgotten its true purpose.

4. Unprotected – This film got an extremely limited release but was an incredible expose on Humanae Vitae and the hook-up culture.

5. Aquaman – This film had the most amazing visuals of any production this year. Plus it’s a lot of fun.

6. Ant-Man and the Wasp – There are four superhero movies on this. That says a lot about me but also the quality of movies of the genre lately.

7. Tomb Raider – A surprisingly serious yet entertaining take on a franchise that had trouble taking off over a decade ago.

8. Won’t You Be My Neighbor? – It sounds cliché, but it’s true: we need Mr. Rogers right now.

9. A Quiet Place – A beautifully designed horror film where family love is the key to survival.

10. Solo – Pure escapism but escapism in its highest form.

Honorable Mention: Avengers: Infinity War, The Incredibles 2, Pope Francis: A Man of His Word, and Unbroken: Path to Redemption.
